About us

Human Rights Myanmar is a collective of human rights professionals with experience at the forefront of advocacy and protection efforts in Myanmar. Our team comprises individuals who have dedicated their lives to promoting justice, equality, and the rule of law. Given the volatile security situation in Myanmar, we have chosen to protect identities to ensure safety and continued ability to work effectively. Despite these challenges, we remain deeply committed to our mission and are accessible for inquiries, collaborations, or support via email.


Our vision is a Myanmar where every individual enjoys the full spectrum of human rights, free from oppression, discrimination, and fear. We aspire to build a society grounded in justice, equality, and accountability, where civil and political rights are respected and protected. Through our work, we aim to empower communities, uphold the rule of law, and ensure that every person can live with dignity and freedom in a just and democratic Myanmar.


We are an independent, non-profit civil society organisation unaligned with any political movement. We firmly believe in a rights-based approach to all our work, ensuring that human rights principles guide our strategies and actions.


Collaboration is at the heart of our work. Human Rights Myanmar partners with a diverse array of organisations, both within Myanmar and internationally, to achieve our shared objectives. These partnerships are essential for expanding our reach, sharing resources, and amplifying the impact of our work. By working together, we are better equipped to tackle the complex and multifaceted human rights challenges facing Myanmar today.

Our partners include:

  • Civil society organisations;
  • International non-governmental organisations (INGOs);
  • Inter-governmental organisations (IGOs);
  • Governments; and
  • Businesses.

Through these collaborations, we strive to create a more just and equitable society for all.


Our work is sustained by the generous support of donors, including governments and international non-governmental organisations (INGOs). Our funding is diverse, encompassing:

  • Project-specific grants led and implemented by Human Rights Myanmar;
  • Collaborative partnerships with INGOs, in which they are the lead grant beneficiary and we implement; and
  • Specific commissions/consultancies that require our expert knowledge.

These contributions are crucial in enabling us to carry out our mission of defending human rights in one of the most challenging environments globally.

Our funding is managed with the utmost transparency and accountability, ensuring that every contribution directly supports our efforts to promote human rights, provide critical assistance to victims of rights violations, and influence positive change through advocacy and policy engagement. We are audited (by auditors outside of Myanmar).